Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf

Fabled Lands: Tirikelu: role-playing adventures in the empire of the Petal Throne

  1. Empire Of The Petal Throne
  2. Cached
  3. Empire Of The Petal Throne (Original 1974 Manuscript) PDF
  4. Empire Of The Petal Throne A Thief Of Jakalla.pdf
  5. Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf Online
This is a companion document to our Kurt Hills Atlas map. The fiefs are named, the villages, towns, cities and other sites within each fief are listed, and the seat of the fief where the fiefholder resides is identified. Usable in any Tekumel-based game. Strange alien creatures prowl the wilderness. Mighty heroes do battle in the arenas. Underground chambers hold vast treasures. Opposing temples wrestle for Imperial influence.

After a brief introduction on the history of the game’s design, Bill will lead up to 12 players into the Tekumel Underworld! Empire of the Petal Throne by Professor MAR Barker is one of the most lavishly conceived fantasy worlds of all time! When TSR published Empire of the Petal Throne in 1975 and it was a natural success. Tekumel is one of the original Game Settings in RPGs, and apparently the author has been running a campaign for thirty years. That’s some serious genes. I thought this would be a great new setting, a chance to see something a bit more coherent than the typical D&D style fantasy setting. Acquire the Empire of the Petal Throne first, just for the beginning. When you get comfortable with the stuff from this buy Sword and Glory vol 1. It's the ultimate tekumel setting sourcebook. Then you can buy Mitlanyal(tekumelani pantheon) and Book of Ebon Bindings(sort of patheon of deamons). A very nice addition would be Tekumel bestiary.

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Published 24.10.2019
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As a fantasy world you can actually inhabit and explore, as opposed to just visit in a story, I don't think anything else comes close. With a fully committed group of players you can have the kind of immersion that other roleplaying campaigns barely dream of. That's a very common reaction to first encountering Tekumel. I know I had it that way. Unfortunately my initial foray into the setting was the Gardisayal boxed set, which did a good job of pretending to be a starter set for Tekumel newbies at first glance but was completely lacking in Tekumel background information and character creation rules Fortunately you have better options available now. I didn't even bother to keep my copy of Gardasiyal.

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Barker over the course of several decades from around Barker, like the better-known J. Tolkien , considered not just the creation of a fantasy world but also an in-depth development of the societies and languages of the world. In other words, the setting also provided a context for Barker's constructed languages which were developed in parallel from the mid-to-late s, long before the mass-market publication of his works in roleplaying game and book form. In order for his imaginary languages to have this type of depth, Barker developed entire cultures, histories, dress fashions, architectural styles, weapons, armor, tactical styles, legal codes, demographics and more, inspired by Indian , Middle Eastern , Egyptian and Meso-American mythology in contrast to the majority of such fantasy settings, which draw primarily on European mythologies.

This is an incredibly detailed science fantasy world, and the basis for the first complete world setting published by TSR Hobbies. A rich, complex world and a complete set of rules, Empire of the Petal Throne includes rules for character generation, magic, monsters, adventuring, societies and languages. Hardcover and softcover: pp. PDF: pp. You can find the archives of the Blur Room at www.

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Episode 7, “Empire of the Petal Throne, Part 2”

Episode 7: “Empire of the Petal Throne, Part 2”

Welcome to The Hall of Blue Illumination, a podcast dedicated to the world of M.A.R. Barker’s Tékumel.In this episode, we continue our discussion of the rules system of Empire of the Petal Throne.Our hosts wrap things up with some notes on the Tlokiriqáluyal, the Five “Gods” of Change.

Show Notes:

[00:00:53] Victor discusses his experience with EPT’s rules set.

[00:01:20]The rules of EPT are dense.Professor Barker briefly mentions many rules, and it’s up to you to notice they’re there and parse them.

[00:02:35]As our hosts discussed in Episode 6, use the Spell Success Chart to determine the success of skills. (EPT § 434, p. 21)

[00:03:55]EPT has a fairly straightforward skill system, which is extraordinary for an RPG produced in 1975.

[00:04:39]A genuine issue in EPT is that while the experience points required to advance a level increase with each level (EPT § 6.30, p. 29), you also count fewer and fewer of the points you gain (EPT § 620, p. 29).Victor suggests a solution.

[00:09:14] EPT seems to presuppose that after you reach 10th level, a player character becomes involved in the campaign game, and begins influencing Tékumel on a scale beyond that of individual player encounters.


[00:12:20]The social group aspect of early gaming communities.

Empire Of The Petal Throne

[00:14:11]Victor discusses Madison Traditional Gaming, a contemporary association with multiple different groups gaming in different settings and systems.

[00:15:58] D&D changed as it spread beyond the communities that originally produced it.People started to game in isolated groups composed of their closest friends, and therefore these groups developed their own peculiar approaches to RPG gaming.

[00:19:49]EPT “wants time to grow.”Characters advance not only in terms of personal ability, but also in terms of social rank.A player’s rank results exclusively from their social interaction with the rest of the world.


[00:23:54]Scott makes the observation that in D&D, the adventure comes first, and the world after.In EPT, however, this situation is reversed; the setting came first, and the adventure only came later.

[00:27:14]Books found in EPT, and how to deal with their level limitations in-game.(EPT §1700, p. 79)

[00:30:36] Victor explains the terms “rutter” and “periplus.”


[00:34:20]Artifacts of a simpler kind of gameplay in EPT do not imply that roleplaying wasn’t going on in ‘70s gaming.

[00:37:58]Don’t think of EPT as D&D set on Tékumel. The D&D-esque system is merely a lens through which the world of Tékumel can be viewed. The world is so much more expansive than the rules set.

[00:39:41]Pronunciation of the names of the Tlokiriqáluyal (the Five “Gods” of Change).

[00:42:25]Be careful with the labels “good” and “evil” in the world of Tékumel. (EPT § 310, p. 14)

Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf

[00:45:39]The myth cycle around Lord Ksárul.(See “Ksárul, ‘Doomed Prince of the Blue Room’ in Tékumel Journal #2, p. 14, 1978)


[00:47:30]“How could anyone possibly think there’s anything wrong with the god of immortality?”

[00:48:51]Pavár’s pantheon is the metric by which Scott measures all pantheons.

[00:52:10]Each of the Tsolyáni gods have a very sophisticated place in the pantheon, which might not be apparent from their descriptions in EPT.(EPT § 2100, p. 86)

Hosts:Scott Kellogg, James Maliszewski, and Victor J. Raymond

Products Referenced:

Empire Of The Petal Throne (Original 1974 Manuscript) PDF

Empire of the Petal Throne is available as a PDF from RPGNow.

Empire Of The Petal Throne A Thief Of Jakalla.pdf

The Book of Ebon Bindings is fantastic, but currently out-of-print.The 1978 edition was published by Imperium Publishing. Theatre of the Mind Enterprises reprinted it in 1991.

Tékumel Journal #2 is available as a PDF from RPGNow.

Other Things:

Madison Traditional Gaming is a gaming group in Madison, WI for people interested in traditional and contemporary roleplaying games, “usually with an ‘Old School’ flair.”

A TSR ad from the 1980s (Youtube)

The Lawrence Schick article referenced by Victor is “Choir Practice at the First Church of Lawful Evil (Orthodox): The Ramifications of Alignment.”It appeared in The Dragon #24 (April, 1979).

Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf Online

You can email us at citizen@tekumelpodcast.com.You can also find us at our website, on Twitter, or on Facebook.