Select For Update Spring Jdbctemplate

In this tutorials I am going to show you how to work with Spring Boot JdbcTemplate using MySql Database.

  1. Select For Update Spring Jdbctemplate Free
  2. Select For Update Spring Jdbctemplate Printable

Spring Boot JdbcTemplate :

Technologies :

This is yet another post of using jdbctemplate to fetch records from DB.In this post we will see how we can perform different crud operations using jdbctemplate.We will be creating examples of how to create and read data from DB using spring jdbc provided jdbctemplate.We will be using the artifact spring-boot-starter-jdbc provided by spring boot to configure our spring jdbc configurations. May 09, 2017 In this Spring CRUD Example, we will build a Simple Spring Application and perform CRUD operations using Spring JdbcTemplate.We will create a simple Employee management application which has abilities to create a new employee, update the existing employee, get a particular employee/ all employee and finally delete the existing employee.

  • Spring Boot-1.5.10
  • Spring-Boot-Starter-jdbc
  • Java 8
  • MySql 5.5

Select For Update Spring Jdbctemplate Free

Project Structure :

Spring Boot JdbcTemplate Example :

As part of this tutorials, I am going to implement a complete CRUD operations using Spring Boot JdbcTemplate.

Recommended :Spring JDBCTemplate Example


Defining all necessary data source, authentication credentials.

Database Preparation :

Create your mysql database (otp) and create below item table under otp database.

item Table

Created an item table, which represents all items and I am going to do all CRUD operations on this table.

Create Item Model to represent the above table.

Creating Item Repository :


This is the key class of our example, under which all CRUD operations are happening.

Create RestController to provide an endpoint to access from outside.

Run it !

Access the Application :

Getting All Items :


Add an Item :


Getting All Items After adding :


Delete an Item from the list :

References :

Happy Learning 🙂

Download Example

  • SpringBoot JDBCTemplate MySQL
    File size: 88 KBDownloads: 1296

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last modified July 13, 2020

In this tutorial, we show how to create a classic Spring application with JdbcTemplate.The application connects to a MySQL database and issues SQL statements using JdbcTemplate.

Spring is a popular Java application framework for developing enterprise applications in Java. It is also a very good integration systemthat helps glue together various enterprise components.

JdbcTemplate is a library that helps programmers create applications that workwith relational databases and JDBC. It handles many tedious and error-prone low-level details such as handling transactions, cleaning up resources, and correctly handling exceptions. JdbcTemplate is shipped in Spring's spring-jdbc module.


In the Maven build file, we provide the dependencies for the core of the Spring application, JdbcTemplate library, and MySQL driver.

This is a Friend class. A row from the databasetable will be mapped to this class.


In the application context XML file, which we call my-beans.xml, we define twobeans: data source bean and jdbcTemplate bean. The data source bean contains the data source properties; the jdbcTemplate refers to the dataSource bean via the ref attribute. The my-beans.xml is located in the src/main/resources subdirectory.


The SpringJdbcTemplateEx sets up the Spring application.

From the my-beans.xml file, we create the ApplicationContext.Spring ApplicationContext is a central interface to provide configuration for an application. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext is an implementation ofthe ApplicationContext that loads configuration definition from an XML file, which is located on the classpath.

From the application context, we get the jdbcTemplate bean.

With the JdbcTemplate'sexecute() method, we create a Friends table.

We use the JdbcTemplate'supdate() method to insert a statement.

In this SQL statement, we select a friend identified by its ID.

The JdbcTemplate'squeryForObject() method executes the SQL query andreturns the result object. The result object is mapped to the Friendobject using the BeanPropertyRowMapper.

Select For Update Spring Jdbctemplate Printable

With the JdbcTemplate'squery() method, we retrieve allfriends and print them to the console.

This is the output of the example.

In this tutorial, we have created a classic Spring application that issued SQL statements with JdbcTemplate. The Spring application was configured in XML.You might also be interested in these related tutorials: JdbcTemplate tutorial,Introduction to Spring web applications,Spring Boot first web application, orJava tutorial.