Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners

Are you ready for a friendly conversation in Spanish? Sometimes the hardest part of the conversation in a foreign language is just starting a conversation, but don’t worry. Just practice these Spanish conversation starters and you can strike a conversation in Spanish with any friend or potential friends!

Don’t forget to sign up below to get your free copy of the Spanish Conversation Starterspdf below.

Basic Spanish Conversation Starters for Beginners

The Spanish Language. Throughout education, methods of teaching Spanish have changed greatly. Years ago, the Spanish Language was taught simply by memory. Today, however, the Spanish Language is taught by moving slower and covering grammar and spelling rules. Again, this is an introduction. If this is the first time you are attempting to learn. Spanish4Teachers.org A website designed for Spanish language teachers. Free teaching resources for Spanish class! Lesson plans, worksheets, Powerpoint presentations and more free Spanish teaching resources.

You might have heard some of these Spanish conversation phrases, but just as you’ve guessed it, they are essential and indispensable ones. These Spanish conversational phrases are used every day! So it’s worth taking a little time to memorize them.

Imagen an everyday situation where you can use these Spanish conversation starters and repeat them several times. This should help you memorize them quickly.

Let’s get started! Oh, don’t forget to download the Basic Spanish Conversation Starters pdf for later (Yes, it’s free!).

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How to Start a Conversation in Spanish

Easy Ways to Strike a conversation When You See a Friend

Here are some common Spanish conversation starters you can use next time you see your Spanish-speaking friends!

1. Hola


2. ¿Cómo estás?

(How are you?)

3. ¿Qué onda?

(What’s up?)

4. ¿Qué tal?

(How’s it going?)

5. ¿Has escuchado lo de María?

(Have you heard the news about Maria?)

Okay, it does sound a bit gossipy, but a friendly, nice gossip won’t hurt anyone….maybe about a famous person’s recent achievement or something like that.

6. ¿Tienes planes para este fin de semana?

(Do you have any plans for this weekend?)

This is classic. You can even use it as a casual pick-up line and take that special person out this weekend.

7. ¿Cómo la has pasado este fin de semana?

(How was your weekend?)

8. ¿Has visto alguna película (peli) últimamente?

(Have you seen any movie lately?)

Basic Spanish Phrases for When You See a Friend You Haven’t Seen in a Long Time

There are some easy and useful conversation starters to remember.

9. Hola Miguel! Cómo has estado?

(Hi Miguel! How have you been?)

10. Tanto tiempo sin saber de tí!

(I haven’t heard anything about you for a long time – it’s been a long time / It’s been a while.)

11. ¿Dónde andabas?

(Where were you? – Where have you been?)

12. ¿Qué pasó contigo?

(What happened to you?)

13. ¿Cómo está tu familia?

(How’s your family?)

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Spanish Conversation Starters You Can Use at a Party or Any Social Gathering

When you want to strike a conversation with someone you don’t know, you can use these phrases.

There are some basic Spanish conversation starters that will come in handy when you meet new people or just want to make small talk in Spanish.

14. Soy Mike. Cómo te llamas?

(I’m Mike. What’s your name?)

15. Mucho gusto!

(Nice to meet you!)

16. ¿De dónde eres?

(Where are you from?)

17. ¿De dónde conoces a Maria?

(How do you know Maria?)

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18. ¿Estudias o trabajas?

(Do you study or work?)

This is another classic pick-up line. Supposedly, since this question is implying that you can be young enough to be a student or mature enough to be working, it flatters everyone.

19. ¿Has probado este vino?

(Have you tried this wine?)

If you love wine, you know you have to try a new wine in every country you go to:) I love Spanish wine and enjoyed it while living there. If you visit Spain, please try “Ribera de Duero Tempranillo (red)” and “Verdejo (white).” I know they are less famous than “Rioja” and “Albariño,” but I recommend them wholeheartedly!

20. Ham radio logging software. ¿Te gusta la cerveza?

(Do you like beer?)

According to my Spanish friend’s not-so-unbiased option “Alhambra Reserva 1925” is the best beer in Spain.

21. ¿Qué estudias?

(What are you studying?)

22. ¿En qué trabajas?

(What do you do for a living?)

Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners

23. ¿A qué te dedicas?

English Conversation For Beginners

(What do you do for a living?)

24. Es un día muy bonito, ¿verdad?

(It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?)

25. Parece que va a llover.

(It looks like it’s going to rain.)

26. Hoy hace mucho calor.

Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners Worksheets

(It’s hot today).

27. Me encanta esta canción.

(I love this song.)

28. ¿Te gusta bailar?

(Do you like dancing?)

29. ¿Quieres bailar?

(Do you want to dance?)

30. Te traigo otra bebida?

(Can I bring you another drink?)

30+ Por Favor (Please)

Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners

30+ Gracias (Thank you)

Okay, the last two are not exactly conversation starters, but it’s always good to show consideration for others by saying “por favor” and appreciation by saying “gracias.”

You may want to check out this post to learn more phrases to introduce yourself in Spanish. Also, if you are interested in learning how to greet in Spanish, be sure to visit this post: How to Greet in Spanish.

If you are like me and feel better having a list of everything, don’t forget to head over to these posts below and download more of our freebies. These are some of our most popular lists.

Now onto the next section, vocabulary! Below is a short list of words that are used VERY often, so it definitely won’t be a waste of your time to learn them now. You’ll have a chance to use them over and over!


Useful Spanish Nouns for a Casual Conversation

  • Una película (or una peli for short, colloquial) – a movie
  • La película (la peli for short) the movie
  • Un fin de semana (or un finde for short, colloquial) – a weekend
  • El fin de semana (el finde) – The weekend
  • La cervaza (Also called chela in Mexico and caña in Spain) – the beer
  • El Vino tinto – the red wine
  • El Vino blanco – the white wine

Basic Spanish Verbs You Can Use in a Conversation

  • Estudiar – To study
  • Trabajar – To work
  • Probar – To try
  • Dedicar – To dedicate
  • Gustar – To like
  • Bailar – To dance
  • Parecer – To seem
  • Hacer – To do, to make, to be, to ask, and more

A little more about the verb “hacer.” I just wanted to give you some examples to show you that it has several different meanings, and that is a good thing! That means you only have to memorize one verb to talk about many different activities!

Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners
  • Do (example: hacer un favor – to do a favor, hacer la tarea – to do homework)
  • Make (example: hacer la cena – make dinner, hacer la cama – Make the bed)
  • Be (example: hacer frío. Hace frío – it’s cold)
  • Ask (example: hacer una pregunta – ask a question)

The verb “Hacer” is one of the most versatile and useful verbs in Spanish. It has more meanings and uses, but I think these four are the most common ones.

Extra: Helpful Hints on Spanish Pronouns/Adjectives

Spanish for beginners free pdf

These can be confusing in the beginning because they look and sound so similar. What helped me remember how to use them correctly was pairing up with a word I already knew very well. You will see some pairing examples below.


  • Este – This (for masculine nouns), este hombre – this man
  • Esta – This (for feminine nouns), esta mujer – this woman
  • Ese – That (for masculine nouns), ese libro – that book
  • Esa – That (for feminine nouns), esa silla – that chair
  • Aquel – That (but something that’s further away, both in distance or in time. That “thing or person” over there. For masculine nouns), aquel lugar – that place
  • Aquella – That (but something that’s further away, both in distance or in time. That “thing or person” over there. For feminine nouns.), aquella epoca – that era, back then


  • Estos – These (for masculine nouns)
  • Estas – These (for feminine nouns)
  • Esos – Those (for masculine nouns)
  • Esas – Those (for feminine nouns)
  • Aquellos – Those (but for things that are located further away or way back in time. Those “things or people” over there. For masculine nouns) aquellos momentos – those moments
  • Aquellas – Those (but for things that are located further away or way back in time. Those “things or people” over there. For feminine nouns) aquellas montañas – those mountains over there

Now, Are You Ready to Start a Conversation in Spanish?

Imagine several situations where you can use these conversation starter phrases and modify them to fit your personality and situations. Then all you have to do is repeat them until you feel comfortable saying your customized phrases, and you are ready to strike a conversation in Spanish! And don’t forget to get your copy of the basic Spanish conversation pdf below.

Happy Spanish-ing!

Download Your Copy of Free 30 Spanish Conversation Starter PDF Now!

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Spanish Courses. Spanish for beginners w/ Native Teacher – Learn Spanish Language Speaking Grammar Vocabulary – free pdf

What you’ll learn

  • Start speaking real, grammatically correct Spanish fluently, effortlessly and confidently today.
  • Improve your listening and Spanish comprehension skills with native Spanish through ear training and visual learning thanks to the native Spanish speaking teacher, interactive board, subtitles and included .pdf materials.
  • Be confident regarding your Spanish skills (A1, A2, A2+ levels) by lots of practice after every lesson. Understand and use familiar everyday expressions.
  • Reach your Spanish language goals now and in the future, increasing your opportunities for both personal and professional success.
  • By the end of the course, you will build and develop your practical communication skills in Spanish speaking, writing, reading and, of course, your fluency and grammatical accuracy.


  • No previous Spanish language knowledge is required.
  • The course is recommended to anyone who wants to learn Spanish language fast and easy and is designed for beginners. We start with the absolute basics.
  • Videos are in Spanish with captions / subtitles. Spanish Immersion is widely considered to be the best method of learning Spanish.
  • If you’re a visual learner you’ll love the interactive board, the subtitles and the included .pdf materials.
  • Native Spanish speaking teacher, free demo lessons and quizzes.


Highlights: 14.5 Hours – FULL HDCourse / Exercises after each lesson / Subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian / Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Best Valuefor Money / Full Lifetime access / 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee

Spanish Beginner to Intermediate Course (A1, A2, A2+)

In this course the native Spanish speaking teacher covers the following topics: Spanish speaking, Spanish pronunciation, Spanish writing, Spanish grammar rules and patterns with accent on verbs and tenses, Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conversation and communication skills. The interactive board and the subtitles help the visual learners and the immersion method used for teaching Spanish accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken Spanish and the fluency.

The available subtitles make it the best choice for English, Italian, French or any other non native Spanish speakers.
It starts from the basics and includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes.

Aprender español!

This course includes:

  • This Spanish course includes: FULL HD Video Lessons presented on an Interactive Board
  • This Spanish course includes: Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson
  • This Spanish course includes: Video Captions in Spanish, English, Italian, French, Romanian
  • Coming Soon: Video Captions in German, Italian
  • This Spanish course includes: Everyday situations presented in Spanish
  • This Spanish course includes: Listening and speaking practice
  • This Spanish course includes: An easy way to understand the Spanish grammar
  • This Spanish course includes: Testing and improving your knowledge using quizzes after each lesson
  • This Spanish course includes: Future Updates
  • This Spanish course includes: Full Lifetime access
  • This Spanish course includes: 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee
  • This Spanish course includes: Access on computer, mobile and TV

We recommend you to continue with our other Spanish course:

Learn Spanish Language: Spanish Course – Intermediate Level
Spanish Courses, Intermediate level – Learn Spanish Language with a native teacher – Spanish Speaking, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary
During the course “Learn Spanish Language: Spanish Course – Intermediate Level” (B1) the native Spanish speaking teacher covers the following topics: Spanish speaking, Spanish pronunciation, Spanish writing, Spanish grammar rules, Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conversation and communication skills (intermediate to advanced level). The interactive board helps the visual learners and the method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken Spanish and the fluency. It includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes. Upgrade your Spanish! Aprender español!

Over 7,000 people from 130 countries enrolled in our courses from December 2016

Student Testimonials

★★★★★ “This Spanish course is a good way to learn the language. The teacher talks like a native speaker and the videos are filled with pictures so you can visualize the lesson better. You can also use subtitles in many languages and download a PDF file with the information you saw on the video. This way you can take better notes and there is also a test you can do. It’s almost like being back in school and it makes everything easier. If you missed something you can watch the video again and you learn how to talk Spanish like a native speaker. I am looking forward to watching all the videos.” – Andreea Ioana Dumitrescu

This Spanish course integrates the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense e-learning sessions.

Each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context, creating the perfect environment to learn Spanish.

Downloadable .pdf file and quizes for the lessons included in this Spanish course.

This Spanish course for beginners offers you video courses that are tailored to incorporate various methods into teaching and accommodate different learning styles, so that they can be a perfect fit for each student, regardless of their knowledge level or of what they have learnt in schools.

If you still wonder why this Spanish course?

For at least 3 reasons:

1. First and foremost, each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context. The communication is adapted to each student and to real-life situations, in a friendly and easy manner.

2. Second, the students can learn Spanish at their own pace, and in order to enhance their concentration and comfort level, the subtitles are available either in the students’ native language or in the language they want to learn.

3. And last but not least, the students can measure their performance and progress by doing multiple choice tests, an extremely efficient technique to review vocabulary and refine grammar for anyone who decides to take this Spanish course for beginners.Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone who wants to learn Spanish fast and easy.
  • This Spanish course is designed for beginners. We start with the absolute basics.
  • If you are nearly intermediate you can improve your Spanish with this course.

Created by Learn Spanish Language with Luis
Last updated 10/2018

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